EU-Mauritius Fisheries Partnership: The Joint Committee celebrates a strong

EU-Mauritius Fisheries Partnership: The Joint Committee celebrates a strong
partnership that goes far beyond fisheries.The Hon Fabrice DAVID, Junior Minister of Agro-Industry, Food Security, Blue Economy and Fisheries and Mr Fernando Andresen Guimaraes, Director for International Ocean Governance and Sustainable Fisheries of the European Commission participated in the closing session of the Joint Committee of the EUMauritius Fisheries Partnership. The main objective of the Joint Committee, which gathered representatives from the European Union and the Ministry of Agro-Industry, Food Security, Blue Economy and Fisheries during two days, was to review the implementation of the agreement including the sectoral support.
At the end of the Joint Committee meeting, both parties expressed their appreciation for the excellent cooperation between the EU and Mauritius in implementing the Fisheries Partnership Agreement. The promotion of Ocean governance, the sustainability of the stocks, support to artisanal fisheries and blue economy are some of the shared objectives.
Dr the Hon Arvin Boolell,GOSK, Minister of Agro-Industry, Food Security, Blue Economy and
Fisheries stated :
- The Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Mauritius and the European Union which was last signed in 2022, is up for a renewal at the end of 2026.
- The Blue Economy and Fisheries Division of my Ministry, in consultation with key stakeholders including the private sector, regional organisations such as the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission and the Indian Ocean Commission is working on a new agreement to be signed with the EU.
- New areas of collaboration, such as blue economy strategy, blue carbon, fishing port and transfer of knowledge and expertise, and others which did not form part of the current agreement with the EU, will be explored.
Mr Fernando Andresen Guimaraes, Director for International Ocean Governance and Sustainable Fisheries at the European Commission, on an official visit to Mauritius, stated:
“We want to ensure that the Fisheries Partnership Agreement translates into tangible andvisible benefits for Mauritius and its people. We are proud to accompany Mauritius’ efforts on small scale fisheries, monitoring and control, science or blue economy. Furthermore, through the sectoral support of the Fisheries Partnership Agreement we would be pleased to support our partners in Mauritius to assess options to update the national strategy on fisheries and the blue economy.”
The EU-Mauritius Joint Committee, has been set up to monitor the application of the Fisheries Partnership Agreement, that took place on 21 and 22 January 2025. This is the second Joint Committee organised under the current protocol (21 December 2022 – 20 December 2026). The agenda included several points such as the governance of the protocol, in particular of fishing operations by EU fishing vessels, regional cooperation (Indian Ocean Tuna Commission/ Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement/ South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission), and the implementation of the sectoral support programme. The discussions have been both thorough and forward-looking. The progress which were achieved by both parties reflects the strength of our shared commitment on sustainability and to achieve the goals of the Fisheries Partnership Agreement.
Participants on the Mauritian side: the representatives from the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Finance, the Attorney General’s Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade and Ministry of Agro-Industry, Food Security, Blue Economy and Fisheries.
Participants on the EU side: two representatives from the European Commission (Directorate General for Maritime Affairs) from Brussels as well as the Fisheries Attachée of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Mauritius. The Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Mauritius, H.E. Mr Oskar Benedikt participated in the opening session of the Joint Committee with Hon Fabrice David, Junior Minister of Agro-Industry, Food Security, Blue Economy and Fisheries.
EU-Mauritius Fisheries Partnership Agreement:
The fisheries partnership agreement was signed by the European Union and Mauritius on 21 December 2013. The agreement, which entered into force on 28 January 2014, establishes the terms and conditions under which vessels registered in and flying the flag of EU (EU vessels) may carry out tuna fishing in the waters over which Mauritius has sovereignty or jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and other rules of international Law and practises. The agreement is implemented via multiannual protocols. The current protocol covers the period 21 December
2022 – 20 December 2026.
Fishing opportunities for EU vessels:
The Protocol allows a specific number of vessels from Spain, France, Portugal and Italy to fish the surplus of the allowable catch in the Mauritian waters. This surplus is established in a clear and transparent manner based on available and relevant scientific advice.
Sectoral support:
As part of the protocol, the EU provides an annual financial contribution of €725,000 including
- €275,000 for the support and implementation of Mauritius's sectoral fisheries policy
- €175,000 for targeted actions for the development of the maritime policy and ocean
economy. The financial contribution can be used to support small-scale fisheries and aquaculture and improve fisheries monitoring, control, surveillance, and the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The first EU-Mauritius fisheries agreement dates back from 1989.